

A spoken word multimedia theatre piece inspired by the 2016 Apollo House Takeover.

A long night across the city,so long the skyline is different. Follow a young man on a journey throughout the night trying to find the last piece of cardboard so he can fix his rocketshipt and head to the stars.

Based on true events and inspired by a collection true stories. Astronaut is a story about the homeless crisis in Ireland.

Joe Wright - MAN / Writer

Astronaut is the first instalment in Joe’s theatre trilogy which includes Columbia March (2022) & DAFT (2023). Having released his debut book Notions (2021), Joe went on to write and release numerous projects such as Vanilla Gorilla (2021 Music EP), Glimpse (Book 2022) & Labyrinth (Book 2023). Some of his theatre credits include, Dublin in a Rainstorm (Lipzinc Theatre), Robin Hood & Cinderella (Mill Theatre), Dolly (Ed Fringe – Lipzinc Theatre), Libation bearers (Driochead Arts), Tiny Plays of Ireland (Dry Ice Theatre), Columbia March (Etcetera Theatre), DAFT (Smock Alley), Astronaut (Dublin, Camden Fringe & Vaults Theatre) & Four to the Floor (Channel 4 CH4 Tv).

Emily Matthews - Director



Thank you to everyone who helped make this piece grow legs. 

Vault Festival 2019

Emily at the festival after the first show

Joe at the festival after the last show

The set backdrop at the Dublin Fringe festival 2018

Writers note  - Astronaut was the first piece of my trilogy. The long nights in London putting pen to paper, the stressfull set up of the first show and the pure excitment of getting to create something so strong with my friends.

There are soo many "MOMENTS" in creating, from the chat with Em in the cafe nero just of Leicster square in london, to the call i got when the gang were over saying that Camden Fringe had found a venue. The blood, the tears and overwhelming feeling of creating something.

In 2018 we flew to Italy, we flew back to Dublin, we flew to Germany and then back to Dublin all in the space of a month, Performed, nominated and accepted. 

Astronaut "Please god i hope you havnt forgot, this young, brave astronaut"